Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Home Early

The Wayward Manager let me go home early tonight, so I can actually blog while I have my work uniform in the washer.

I've had no time.

People think that I make good use of my time because I'm always multi-tasking, don't idle, and work so many hours. I think that time is making use of me and not the other way around.

Injured my knee at work. It should be okay, but there's all sorts of paperwork to fill out and required doctor's visits.... like I have time for that.

All the tenants are gone from my house, but I'm still left with the damage. Now I don't have the rental income any more, but at least it's quiet here for a change.

The day job is going okay, except that I keep falling asleep at my desk - very bad.

I don't know how much longer my body will take this.

I feel fortunate to have really good friends, friends who don't get all upset with me because I don't have time for anything.

Thoughts of Carey (aka what's-his-name) are haunting me.

I'm still not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, which is writing. I'm doing it a little bit.

I'm bad for putting things off. "I'll have time tomorrow", I think. But tomorrow came and went and now I don't have time.

While trying to get my two hours sleep I had awful chest pains. It was bad enough that it scared me and I thought I'd better call for help, call 911. But I couldn't get up.

So I lay there thinking, "Is this how it ends? My boy will find me in the morning. What will happen to him? Someone will have to sort through all of my belongings. Who will take care of the dogs? Wonder what my pastors will say about me at my funeral. I didn't even get where I wanted to go...."

Obviously, everything was fine. I woke up a few hours later.

I must write this book, this one I was supposed to write two years ago and put off. But now how will I do it? With what time? Where am I going to get the money to live?

I complained to the boss again about getting out of work so late.

Psycho-guy is ticked off at me because I wouldn't let him into the back of the store when he wasn't scheduled. He's also mad because I refused to take care of that cat any longer. tick, tick, tick....

Well... I'm rambling. In spite of the fact I'm home early, I'm still very tired.


Unknown said... are you going to a doctor or anything about the chest pains? Just because you slept it off doesn't mean they were meaningless.....

Nice to have you back in blogworld!

Anonymous said...

I had some a couple of weeks ago, too and nothing dramatic happened then, either.

I'm required to go back to the doctor about my knee (more paperwork), so will mention the chest pains then.

If I had my way, I wouldn't go back about the knee, either. I don't like going to doctors or hospitals. Only sick people go to those places.

Admin said...

Your lack of sleep and caffeine intake could have a lot to do with the chest pains, too. (And stress?!?)