Saturday, April 12, 2008

Nothing Like It

My heart was beating too quickly; It was uncomfortable. The adrenaline surges kept coming.


A physical response to stress.

I thought, "What am I thinking that is causing this?"

I thought, "Part of my brain is telling me to hurry up and get things done. Part of my brain is thinking that I won't be able to meet the mortgage payment in two weeks. Part of my brain is thinking a lot of different things - all legitimate but still all worrisome."

I thought, "What can I do about these things right now?"

The answer - nothing.

I thought, "Then I have to do something about this physical response. Simply not worrying is not a realistic solution. If I do something productive I can release some of this negative energy and get my brain focussed on something else."

Oh, but my body is so tired and sore. I have to be careful to use what little energy I have for work.

I glanced down and saw the puppy curled up at my feet.

Why am I not paying attention to my surroundings?

I thought, "I'm going to give this puppy my attention. She needs it and so do I."

I got right down beside her and pet her. I snuggled with her. I looked at her, noticing every detail about her, every little marking, muscle, whisker and eyelash. I thanked God for His creation. I thanked God for this little soul. I thanked God for that moment with her.

There's nothing in the world like snuggling with a puppy.

There's nothing in the world like snuggling with this particular puppy.

There's nothing in the world like taking a big breath of fresh air (even if it makes me sneeze after).

There's nothing in the world like that purple flower that's decided to take root in the middle of my vegetable garden and it's contrast of colour against the brown deadness of winter... it's symbolization of hope for sunnier times ahead.

There's nothing in the world like the chatter of your child - no matter what age.

There's nothing in the world like fresh clean sheets.

There's nothing in the world like a hot shower when your body is tired and grimey.

There's nothing in the world like a sunny day.

There's nothing in the world like a rainy day - especially when you are inside and appreciative of being warm and dry and home.

The list goes on and on....

Thank you, God for all of these things. Thank You for creating our brains in such a way that we have a choice to live in the moment or not, that we have memory so we can remember other good moments, other good things that You have given.

So, my tired and achy body is still giving me a stress response, but it's not as extreme. Still, I'm working through it. Still I recognize and experience much for which I am grateful.


Admin said...

I needed this reminder tonight, too. Thank you.

Admin said...

You haven't posted for over a week now. Is everything okay???