Thursday, April 10, 2008

Boring is fine by me

Give enough rope....

People are starting to see that all is not as it seems with the psychopath. I haven't been saying much, just watching and being cautious. He's stealing and people are catching on. He's scamming - food, rides, attention, money "loans" - and people are starting to catch on. They are starting to talk to each other. The only thing I say to them is to be careful. Of course, they are not worried; They all know how to deal with people. Yeah - just like they all knew how not to get scammed.

tick, tick, tick....

I talked to the boss about security. There are lots of ways in which the staff are causing us to be a soft target for criminals. Security protocols aren't being followed. The staff know why the procedures are there, but they, like so many, believe nothing bad will ever happen to them. I try to explain, but I'm just paranoid and jaded.

The Wayward Manager is trying out some new games. They are not working so well for her, but she doesn't seem to have noticed that yet. It's too bad because she has a lot of potential; She has lots going for her and it gets buried in ego.

The other manager is trying to protect me. I've never asked for this protection, the alliance, but I sure do appreciate it.

So I've lost my rental income and the second job wasn't enough even with the rental income...

This is frustrating.

Still, I feel great joy when I am with my dogs.

Another unexpected positive - pretty soon I will get my raise that goes with the promotion. I was told that the pay rate was $1.25 above minimum wage. I found out last night that they will be giving me $2.25 above minimum wage. That's a big difference. That's still not nearly enough for me to pay the bills, but it's a whole dollar an hour more than what I expected.

Last night the boss told me, "You are my example. You are going to lead the other managers by the way you do things."

Nice compliment - Kinda scary, though. Yes I want to do a top notch job anyway; When other people put that kind of faith in me it ups the ante in my mind.

Hopeful things going on with the day job stuff. But I've been here before. I'm not going to get too excited about anything until I see actual results.

Depending on who is working Saturday night (therefore what time we close), I might just get to go to church this Sunday. We will see about that, too. But I don't have to work on Sunday for a change.

Really there's nothing exciting going on here. I think that's a good thing, though. Boring frees one up to be able to think about important stuff - like dogs and spring flowers.


Admin said...

Yes, boring can be good. Normal, even, at times.

And if it matters at all, you have my vote for making pschopath's brother leave the premises. The less you have to deal with either of them, the better it will be for you AND your puppies!

Continuing to pray for provision, and that your co-workers will have their eyes open WIDE when it comes to dealing with screwball managers and pscho scammers.


Admin said...

Okay, so of course that should have read "psycho"... (and "psychopath's" brother). My fingers don't like that word for some reason. Hmm.