Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My legs were killin' me today.  Still, I knew I had to go out running again.  So I did.

So I run about 5 feet and I'm tired already.  

What the heck is that?!  Sheesh!

Of course, I keep going.  Down to the water again.

I pass by some fishermen.

I'm tired; Thinking about just walking for awhile.

Then a little boy comes from out of nowhere.  He runs in front of me, grins at me, and starts running alongside of me.  I can't help but smile.

I say to him, "Are you racing me?"

He says nothing, just gives me this gigantic smile and runs just ahead of me for a moment or two before veering off and going back.

Man, my legs are very sore.

I pass by a guy on a scooter.  He's disabled.  He's smoking a cigarette.  He looks weary.  I'm suddenly grateful for my sore legs.

Running harder now, praise in my heart...

Jesus loves me and I'm alive.

Pouring it on, drenched in sweat, eyes burning...

I can fly.

I run.

Wind in my hair.

I can fly.

On wings like eagles

I am flying.

Jesus will take me all the way.

He'll take me across.

He'll never leave me nor forsake me.


Patti said...


...and the kid never said a word??

Sheepdog said...

Nope. Didn't even make a noise.

The boy could speak with his eyes. Pretty cool kid.

Admin said...

I admire your tenacity.

And isn't it amazing how God brought along your little buddy and the man on the scooter to encourage you to "keep up the good work?"