Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cancelled Meeting

A meeting that I was really excited about got cancelled yesterday.  That sucks.

My work shoes (for the night job) came in.  That's a good thing (but I won't like seeing the deductions that will come off my paycheque until the shoes are paid off).  I'm hoping these shoes will be better for my feet.  The soles of my feet are blistered now and it hurts to walk.  Maybe these shoes will be better for my feet and back, too.  I'm hopeful.

Last night it was emotionally difficult to be at work, and I'm not sure why. Maybe because of the big anticipation and disappointment earlier in the day, maybe fatigue, maybe because I rushed through my pre-shift prayer... I don't know.

Today's food costs:

breakfast - coffee (cost me about $1 for the whole day because I gave coffee to the workmen who were here - the reason they were here is a whole other lousy story.)
Lunch - peanut butter and jam on toast - $0.28 (the jam was almost free... that's a cool story)
yogurt - $0.76
Dinner- spaghetti & two pieces of bread - $0.75

Total food costs for the day -  $2.79

I think that no matter how good for me the yogurt is, after it's gone I'm not going to buy it again.  It's too much per serving and it doesn't fill me up at all.  Last night/this morning, as tired as I was, I was having trouble sleeping because I was hungry.

I'm very tired today.  It's hard to focus enough to even figure out what I'm supposed to be doing today, never mind actually do it.  I have to figure out a way to stay positive.    In business one cannot afford to be negative or sanguine.  

I have to come up with many thousands of dollars by tomorrow and I don't know how I'm going to do it.

I'm scared today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep breathing, my friend.

Standing with you.