Monday, January 28, 2008

Not Much to Say


While brushing my teeth today I thought I'd sit on the bathroom floor. Dumb. I fell asleep with my toothbrush in my hand.

Had no time to pack a lunch; Bought a cheeseburger. Still, food costs weren't so bad because I had the stew for my daytime lunch. $2.22 - Not bad considering it is 2008.

Miss my dogs. By what my tenants tell me, I think the dogs are depressed.

Wonder if my body will stop hurting. Maybe it won't; Maybe I'll just shut up about it.

Thinking about my son today. I love him so much. I'm incredibly grateful for him. He truly is a gift from God.


Unknown said...

you know you're tired when you fall asleep on the bathroom floor, with a toothbrush in your mouth.

someday that will be funny!

(today, not so much, right?)

Anonymous said...

I do see the humour in it. Most people tell those stories because they were drunk the night before. I don't need alcohol to have fun and now I know I don't need it to pass out! (I've always known I don't need it to do dumb things, but we don't really need to go into detail about THAT, right? :) )

Admin said...

Thanks for inviting me over to visit the new blog. I just finished reading all the posts I'd missed.

I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes and a prayer on my lips...

Anything I can do...???

Anonymous said...





Thanks for visiting.

As for what you can do, prayer is good. God hears those and I need as much of His help as I can get. (I think we all do, really) And don't underestimate the value and power of friendship.

When I want to cry I remember that I'm not really alone; and when I think about how I really don't want to be doing what I'm doing, I can look for funny or positive things in it, knowing that I have people with whom to share those positive things.

Maybe some stranger will come along and see the blog and feel not so alone, too.

In any case, I'm sure God will use it for some good, even if I never find out about it.

Admin said...

I've missed you. I'm sorry for what you're going through, but glad to be able to pray along with you.