Sunday, January 27, 2008


I worked the day job for a few hours today and discovered that the business opportunity that had seemingly disappeared this week (remember the canceled meeting) is not dead. It might work out very well for me and others. I'm praying that if it's within God's will for that to happen for me, that it happens and that I do a top notch job for these people. We'll see...

After I finished what I had to do for the day job, I called the restaurant because I knew they were short-handed. I asked if they wanted me to come in early. They did.

Tonight, a manager approached me and told me that I wasn't front line material. She thinks I'm management material. I told her that if they had a management position and were interested in hiring me for that, I would take it and do what I had to do in order to make that work for them. She is going to talk to her boss on Monday.

How long have I been at this place? Two weeks? Three? (Gosh, I can't remember!) Anyway, it's pretty fortunate to be potentially promoted so quickly. Throughout my working life I've been very lucky that way; I've almost always been promoted and promoted fairly quickly.

I'm grateful.

The new shoes are better for my feet. My feet, back, legs and hands are still hurting a lot, but the blisters on the soles of my feet are healing nicely.

I used to have nice nails. Not any more. The night job ruined them. I thought I didn't care that much about that stuff until I lost it. Oh, well.

I'm having some sort of reaction to the powder in the gloves I have to wear for handling the food. My skin is itching and cracking. I slather on hand cream and vaseline at night and throughout the day (when I can), but they're still really dried out. I'm hoping my skin will adjust. If I get a manager position I won't have to wear those gloves as often or for long stretches of time like I do now.

I wrote some ad copy for the business. I can't write ad copy, but I did it. Who knows how it will work out.

I sent out over 500 sales letters and have yet to receive a single response. I guess I'll have to come up with a different sales letter.

Food costs were low again today.

Stew - $0.00 (Thank you!)
oatmeal (homemade) - I haven't figured it out, but it's pennies anyway.
two pieces of bread - $0.22

Came home from work tonight and shovelled the driveway and walkways and salted everything.

My house is a disaster, but not as bad as I thought it would get.

Wrote a four page letter to the tenants telling them to shape up; They seem to have listened, at least for now.

I'm exhausted, but still riled up from work and thinking about the gazillion things I have to do before I have to work tomorrow. The ol' body is very sore.

I want very much to go to church tomorrow. My brain is saying "hurry up and go to sleep". Kinda hard to sleep when one is trying to "hurry up" to do it. ha!

My body is screaming at me, the dogs got into the garbage, and I'm still carrying some emotional weight of some other personal things that have happened recently.

Still... it's been a good day. There have been some positives and some things to strive for.


Unknown said...

smiling in your direction today!

Anonymous said...


I asked God to bless you today. I hope He did. :)