Monday, January 21, 2008

Sort of Egg Salad

Even though I get a discount at the fast food place it's not cheap enough for me.  Yesterday, thinking I'd be smart and save my $2, I made my own lunch to take to work.  I made an egg salad sandwich - sort of egg salad.  Yes, I used real eggs and mayo, but there was none of the other good stuff that is supposed to be in egg salad, like onion and celery.  That stuff is too expensive.

I like to cook (although I admit that making egg salad hardly counts as cooking).  Back when I had money I would come home from work and make myself a gourmet meal every single night.  Then I would clean the house, play with the cats and read.  That's not at all exciting for most people, but I really enjoyed it.  I was happy.

Now there is no money, no time, and no energy for cooking.  This too shall pass - or so I keep telling myself.

Anyway, so I've got my egg salad and homemade hot chocolate.  I leave it in my car because there's no place to put it at work, no fridge for employee lunches.  I figure the car would keep the egg salad cold and my trusty thermos will keep my hot chocolate hot.

At break time I went to my car to retrieve my lunch.  All I'd had all day was a sandwich and I was hungry.  I unwrapped my sandwich, anticipating how good it's going to feel to eat.  I was feeling grateful.

I chomp down..... ick!  It's frozen!  My sandwich is frozen!  Ugh.  Maybe I can still eat it.  I take another bite.  This isn't going to work.

I go back in.  I'll have to buy something after all.  There's no way I'm going to make it through the rest of the night without eating.  I dig in the bottom of my purse and, luckily, am able to come up with enough change for a cheeseburger.  Now I have to wait in line.  My 30 minute break is almost over by the time I get my burger and get back to my car.  All I want is something to eat and ten minutes to myself.

That burger did taste good.  I opened my thermos with the same anticipation as I did my sandwich.  I took a big swig.  My hot chocolate was lukewarm and didn't taste right.  I drank it anyway and was sorry afterwards.  I think it had gone off.

So I'll eat the rest of the egg salad for lunch today (at a sort of normal lunchtime at the day job).  I'll stick with peanut butter and jam for nighttime.  I have to figure out where I can leave it while I'm working.  The only place is the employee bathroom.  I think it's gross to leave food in the bathroom.  Maybe if I wrap it well and double bag it...  I mean, it's not going to kill me.

So I've gone from gourmet to PB&J in the bathroom.  I never thought I'd be here.  Still, it's better than nothing.  I've had nothing before.  This is still wealth compared to what some people have.

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