Sunday, March 9, 2008


Tonight I decided that I would follow up on the cash drawer issue right away instead of waiting. I spoke to another manager about it. Her reaction was very different from the last one. She immediately recognized the seriousness of tampering with the cash procedure, the seriousness of forging a signature and falsifying the paperwork. She told me I had to give a written statement.

That makes perfect sense to me.

I will try to do that tomorrow before I have to go into work.

I've also decided that I'm going to ask the manager that I spoke to first to please wait until the senior boss decides how to proceed before tipping off the manager who has done the forgeries.

I suspect that mine is not the only signature being forged. I suspect that if this is investigated properly there will be some things uncovered.

So I'm praying for protection for those who have not tampered with cash or signatures, praying for protection for all who tell the truth, and praying that the truth - the real truth without tainting by bias or hidden agendas - be revealed.

I'm actually hoping that this manager does not lose her job over this. I'm hoping for rehabilitation. Having said that, I know that if this was one of my own staff they'd be fired immediately... so whatever management decides to do with her is not for me to judge.

There... I said that out loud (well, out loud as can be in blog-land). But I won't know what I think until things unfold. (Not sure if that made sense... It's late :) )

Did a whole lot of snow shovelling today.

Checked my car; It seems to be okay. ... oh, yeah... forgot to mention I got into a car accident last night. I'm okay, though so no biggie.

Funny thing - that broken-back feeling came back after the accident. I was able to pray it away, though. I know it sounds weird, but there's something to that.

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