Friday, March 21, 2008

Send Me a Boat

It's 7:30am and I haven't gone to bed yet - again.

The carpet cleaners came and went - The stains won't come out. That money to pay them was a lot of food, or part of a hydro bill, or part of the mortgage...

The male tenant is still mad at me for not taking in his brother.

At work, the brother would not cooperate with me which resulted in the entire staff team being held up. I said nothing. I did not complain. I knew that his behaviour would be seen by everyone, so I didn't need to whine. I just waited.

When the manager spoke to him about it several times, he finally started to sort of do what he was supposed to, but was doing things like throwing pieces of chicken at me instead of giving them to me. People noticed. I stayed quiet. If he wanted to be a jerk, he could do it all by himself.

Later, he decided to be civilized toward me. Then the manager asked if I would give him a ride home. I said no. No one understood.

A woman who was interested in renting a room here wrote to me to tell me she didn't get the student grant she needed (She was a really nice one, too.)

The boss at the night job went on vacation and forgot to submit my paperwork, meaning there will likely be another couple of weeks delay before I can start my new position.

All I do is work, it seems.

Very very tired.

Can't seem to manage this issue of finding time and the fatigue.

Love my dogs.

My company has been asked to support a book launch re a book about sexual abuse. I think I'm going to do it.

The days and weeks and months go by so quickly. I feel like my life is disappearing before my eyes. Feeling somewhat powerless.

But not giving up.

Tummy's been acting up again.

The broken-back feeling came back again tonight. It was harder to get rid of for some reason.

I miss church. I miss my friends. I miss having a life.

Feeling overwhelmed.

God, please show me how to swim or send me a boat.


Admin said...

Wow, what a week you have had!

Praying for God to send you His peace, and not just a boat, but a whole cruise ship full of His blessings!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm glad you are feeling well enough to be on the computer.

Thanks for your prayers.

It wouldn't have occurred to me to pray for a cruise ship! Now that would be pretty neat!

Someone once said to me, "You don't have because you don't ask."

Sometimes it doesn't even occur to me to ask or to ask for something better than the minimum.

Admin said...

I'm praying for something above and beyond all you could ask or imagine!