Thursday, March 6, 2008


Tonight I had my interview for the management position. The woman interviewing me told me outright that it was clear I had all of the skills they were looking for. (It's not like we're talking about rocket science here, though.)

So everybody was whispering to each other and glancing in my direction. I was warned that there are those who will be jealous and upset because I got promoted so quickly and got promoted ahead of them. I just shrugged my shoulders. Really, what is there to say to that? Besides, I'm use to that kind of crap. Another manager came to me to warn me that once everything is official, one of the other managers (the one who tries to get rides from me and keeps me late) is going to try to push me out. She said that a number of other new managers have quit because of this woman.

I said "Thanks for the warning."

Then a group of them started gossiping about this manager. I don't like the woman's tactics, but I'm not about to stand around slagging her behind her back, either. It's one thing for me to gripe about things here on this blog where no one knows who this woman is; It's quite another to say rotten things in order to be a part of the group.

I actually tried defending her. It didn't work so well, so I just changed the subject... but no one wanted to talk about another subject. I tried another one. Nope... They wanted to talk about somebody, not something. So I commented about how one particular staff was such a good worker. No takers on that one, either. I guess that saying something positive isn't juicy enough.

I really dislike that sort of thing. I've been the victim of gossip and it can be very painful. I don't want to do that to somebody else.

Better get to bed. It's getting close to 4am and I have to get up soon to work the day job.

God, please give me strength and wisdom.


Unknown said...

Oh, I really, really hate that.

I got trapped in a gossip session once, and tried to desperately to get out of it, but couldn't. Felt nauseous afterwards, and had to walk for several blocks hard and fast to calm down afterwards. I was really angry.

It's one thing to have some concerns about someone; it drives me crazy when people will viciously kill them behind their backs, and yet no one has the guts to try to deal with it up front.

On another note - is the promotion a done deal?

Anonymous said...

Way to take the high road...even though the others were stuck on that lowly, little dirty path down in the muck.

Here's praying you get the position!

Anonymous said...

Funny, I didn't feel like I took the high road. I just felt uncomfortable (and saddened that people couldn't or wouldn't see anything positive about this woman). Maybe it didn't feel like the "high road" because what I tried didn't actually work.

Is the promotion a done deal? I believe so. I think it will still take one or two weeks to come into effect and then they have to train me on the specifics of that position.

The interviewer wanted to know what I could bring to the table when it comes to certain problems our particular store has. I was general in my answer because what I see as problems (looking at it from my current position) and what they see as problems may be totally different things. Also, I don't assume for a minute that I'm going to be any better at resolving those things (eg. service time, product waste) than managers who have been in that position for a long time. If the problems were about motivating people, discipline, security, theft, and other human related problems, then yes, I have lots to bring to the table, and likely more so than those already there ( gosh, I hope that doesn't sound arrogant).