Friday, March 28, 2008

Never Going In There Again!

People at the night job think I'm this hugely strong, and even tough, person. My son adds to that perception by telling them stories about people being afraid of me. (That makes me laugh. I'm not a mean person, really!)

Their perception was strengthened when I took on the Wayward Manager. The perception was strengthened when I met with the senior boss expecting change (they are all afraid to do such a thing). I find that interesting since these are not all the result of "toughness" but action borne of other values and beliefs.

It was strengthened once again with an incident a couple of weeks ago. Some men came into the store just before close. They were eyeballing the cash register, the staff, the layout and the doors. They made a phone call and shortly thereafter there was a car sitting right at the door with the engine running - unusual in the first place, but more unusual because it was there for so long and the men seemed to have been communicating through the window with the driver.

They were really eyeballing us. I had a bad, creepy feeling about it. I know from experience and training to never ignore a bad creepy feeling. I thought about it and decided there were enough facts to take some minor action.

I went to the manager and pretty much ordered her to remove the cash drawer from the register and lock it in the office - right now. I don't know why, exactly, but she immediately complied without question.

About five minutes later another group of men came to the door, which was locked by that time. The men inside got up to go let them in.

The staff stood watching, finally curious and nervous. (I hadn't said anything to them.)

I went out and stood between the men and the door and told them they weren't letting anyone in.

They looked at me as though they were sizing me up, reading me. They decided to go sit down. They left shortly after and I made a point of being there to ensure they didn't let anyone in. They got into the car that had been running and it rolled away.

Afterwards, the other staff admitted they were afraid.

And so they think I have great courage (I don't think that what I did was courageous; It's not like anyone had a gun to me or anything).

So last night I was in the back room. We had received a big order of stock and it was also closing time. I noticed something moving across the floor.

It was a big, huge, humongous, mammoth, spider!!

Black, hairy, fast.

I screamed like a girl.

I did a little dance-on-the-spot whilst screaming like said girl.

The Wicked Step-sister came running. "What's going on?!"

Still dancing on the spot, unable to speak because my breath was taken up by a silent scream, I pointed to the monster.

Oh, she relished this situation!

She went and stood near the thing, watching it. She said, "Oh, he's a big one."

The manager came back to see what was happening. She sees me dancing on the spot and looks thoroughly confused.

She sees the spider.

Looks back at me (am now dancing on my tip-toes and not breathing).

A grin spread across her face.

She doesn't like the behemoth either, but wasn't gonna let me know that.

I screeched, "Well kill it for Pete's sake, kill it!"

Well, that was it. Now the manager couldn't breathe either - because she was laughing so hard! She was doubled over in laughter.

The Wicked Step-sister saved the day by stomping on the spider.

I was all grossed out. That's funny, too. I can see human brains on the road, horrific crime scenes and not bat an eye, but bug guts make my stomach turn over. What is that?!

They figured the monster came from the fruit or vegetable crates that were delivered and that it had ventured out of the walk-in fridge.

I said, "I'm never going into that walk-in again!"

They laughed.

I said, "I mean it! I'm asserting my right not to engage in unsafe work!" (I was joking at that point. Safe now, since Boris the spider was dead)

The manager doubled over in laughter again.

There's a scene in the movie "Sleepy Hollow" (Johnny Depp) where the guy comes to face the headless horseman and is crazily brave. But he sees a spider in his room and reacts with great fear. My son loves this scene and says that character is like me.


Patti said...


Admin said...

Thank you for sharing your moment with us. Isn't nice to know none of us is really too, too tough???