Saturday, February 16, 2008


I only worked the one job yesterday. ahhh... a break.

I did plan to work at night on some stuff that I haven't had time to do, but never did get around to it. BUT I did do some housework and laundry. ahh.... clean (well, okay... not clean, but better at least). Put fresh sheets on my bed. That felt good.

My friend made me a big casserole dish full of meatballs and rice with sauce. I don't know what's in that sauce, but man, is it good! I took one bite and then gobbled up a big bowl full. Yummy! Grateful to my friend and grateful to God for the meal and for my friend.

Played with the dogs. Yay! That's important to me.

My son called, distraught and frightened. He said, "Mom, I've hit a hard, hard wall. I've been given an eviction notice and I don't have the money."

He went on to tell me how he has been waiting for an EI cheque that he was supposed to have received a month ago. He went right to the government office to check on it and make sure there wasn't something else he was supposed to do. The woman told him that everything was fine, he was all up to date and there would be no problem. Later he found out that everything was not fine, that someone made a mistake somewhere and information he'd submitted was lost. The cheque he'd been waiting for was never issued. By the time it takes to re-submit his information and get it through their process, another month will have gone by and it will be too late to avoid eviction.

It hurts so much not to be able to help my child. I can't even explain what that's like.

I thought about how he'd received prayer yet these things continue to happen. (oh... and the attitude of the EI staff re their error was "oh, well"! They don't care about the impact of their mistake on a human being's life.)

I thought back to the fall when I truly believed that things were going to turn around and then how it got worse instead of better.

Neat trick. If you really believe something and then it doesn't happen, it's very hard to believe again in the future.

I've decided to believe and pursue anyway. God is still good regardless of my circumstances.

Today my son told me that he's figured out a way to work enough to cover the rent arrears. He'll be behind for two months, but after that it should be okay if EI does what they're supposed to do. (He works a full time job and a part time job)

Last night the fresh sheets on the bed looked so inviting that I crawled in instead of working. I did some cross-stitch for a half an hour (yay - I've been working on this thing for my nephew since last summer), and rested. ahhh.... rest...

I slept in! Well, sort of... The dogs needed to go out at 7am. But I was still able to go back to bed afterwards and catch a few more z's.

Ahhh.... sleep!

Going to eat some more meatballs and get some laundry done before I have to go work at the restaurant.

Ahhh... meatballs and sauce... :)

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Admin said...

I just played "catch up" with your prior posts. (Loved the part about smelling the dog's "breaking of wind". I laughed hard!)

Sorry I haven't been around for several days. I've had sick kids. That's my only excuse.

But, having said all that, please know that you are in my prayers daily. I don't always know how to pray, but I do pray!

Remember that no matter what he is facing, the fact that your son went for prayer is BIG.

I don't know the whole history of "what's-his'name," but I know he's trouble! Praying for God to work in that, too.

And just praying that each day He will give you a renewed sense of Him being in you and with you.

Hugs from here...

Anonymous said...

Sick kids. That sucks. (And by the way, you don't need any excuse :) )

Was Harry sick for his birthday?

Thank you so much for your encouraging words and your prayers. It really does make a difference to know I'm not alone here.

Anonymous said...

No, thankfully Harry didn't get sick until the day after his birthday.