Friday, February 29, 2008


There's too much going on and it's too late to write much. I'll have to add it to the list of things I want to write about...

Thought I'd tell you something funny, though (for a change of pace, here).

I was working at the drive-thru window for the very first time. I had no idea what I was doing and everyone was too busy to teach me anything, so I just smiled a lot and hoped for the best.

There's a motion sensor at the window so the window opens when you stand against the sensor. It stays open until you move away. Well, I thought that all you had to do was stand in front of it, not right against the thing.

A car pulled up...

I had the order ready.

I stood against the sensor.

The window opened.

It's all good. I start to hand the order to the customer in the car, but as I leaned over, my hip was no longer against the sensor.

The window closed...

... with me still hanging outside.

Should have seen the looks on the faces of the customers!

I bet the look on my face was pretty funny, too.

Then... it happened again. (...images of Homer Simpson touching the stove five times... doh! doh! doh! ...)

I was afraid of that darned window until someone could explain to me that you always have to be right up on that sensor.

Would have made an embarrassing You-Tube.

Security expert attacked by Drive-Thru window. Oh, yeah. Real smart.


Patti said...

That IS funny!

Anonymous said...


I can vividly recall the look of horror on their faces... then the hysterical laughter from the woman in the passenger seat!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh.....

You had me giggling there...........

Anonymous said...

By the way, It's mom of sundance. I still have a really hard time figuing out this identity stuff here.

Admin said...

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that!

Any surveillance tapes of the incident(s)? :o)