Wednesday, February 6, 2008


What gives?

I stumbled through the day exhausted. I spent over two hours trying to get some information to a prospect. It should have been a simple matter, but my computer didn't seem to think so. I never did get him the information. I have to deliver it in person tomorrow. I also have a meeting in the morning.

What's-his-name (the once love-of-my-life turned devil incarnate) has been calling and now emailing. So it brings up all of the pain I haven't had time to deal with. Yes, I've told him to take a hike and am ignoring him, but it still brought everything to the surface. Just recently that other fellow has slowed down on trying to get my attention and I thought I was getting a break.

Well, it's too bad. Anyone who wants to bug me is just going to have to wait indefinitely for a response. I just don't have the time or energy.

So for the first time in a while, I'm not working at night tonight. This is my chance to get some much needed sleeeeeep!


I'm exhausted mentally and physically, so what gives?

Normally I would just get up and do something productive, but I know my body needs this sleep.

Maybe it's the hurry-up-and-get-to-sleep so I can hurry up and get everything done thinking? There's a part of me that wants to stay up and do something that I like, to have time for myself. But I'm too tired to actually do anything anyway.

I think a lot of us, if not all of us, have been here at some point or another.

Still, this beats scrubbing out fryers.


Unknown said...

Did you finally get to sleep?

Anonymous said...

Tossed and turned until 4am.

Weird. Maybe my body thinks it's not allowed to sleep until then?

Unknown said...

That totally sucks.

Anonymous said...

It's what my mom has always called "over-tired". Your body kind of goes into survival mode when it hasn't had enough sleep for a long period of time. Then it's like it doesn't know it actually CAN sleep, and that's okay.

Have any chamomile tea? Soft music? Hmm.