Saturday, February 9, 2008


Yesterday and this morning have been spiritually intense. I don't even know where to begin, never mind actually write a post about it. It's still not all sorted out in my head and my soul. So I'll write about other stuff instead. One of the challenges of being on this earth is that no matter what's going on with the spiritual, there's still day to day life to contend with.

Last night I found out that what's-his-name took an email I'd written and showed it to a bunch of people - out of context, in the absence of other emails and accompanied by half-truths. I was upset. It was one thing to show the email around, but the thing that really bothered me was that he was lying. I'd rather be punched in the face than lied to. He knows that, though (not that it's stopped him from lying).

Of course he would say that he's not lying, rather merely refraining from telling the whole truth. It's one thing to refrain from telling people things because you are protecting your privacy, but it's quite another to refrain from telling them things knowing that the omission is very misleading and impacts other people. This is one reason why an oath to tell the truth in court includes the words "the whole truth and nothing but the truth".

Gotta go get ready to work a 12 hour shift at the restaurant. I'm tired already.

By the way, this post sounds like such a downer so I want to add that some positive stuff has been happening - just haven't had time to process it and write it down.

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