Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trading Problems

It's just after 1am and I get to go to bed - imagine that. And I don't have to get up until 6am.

Not much to say today - worked hard (still made zero dollars, but it's gotta pay off sooner or later, one way or another, right?)

Made arrangements to have a truckload of the ex-tenant's garbage taken away. The company doing the work is a new company, which is part of why I gave them my business. I'll be talking to the owner tomorrow - a new contact perhaps?

Gosh... never before have I seen meeting people as making "contacts". Not sure I like that thinking so much...

My son called - He's run into more difficulty. I wasn't much help except to calm him down a bit (after I'd frustrated him) and get him to think more broadly. Sometimes that boy says or does things and I wonder who raised him... Then again, he's the same boy who told his grade 1 teacher that mothers sew things for their kids. The teacher thought that was just grand - I don't know where he got that idea since even at that age he knew his mother could barely sew on a button!

Puppy threw up on my bed. She's okay, though. It's not so bad... was an excuse to put on fresh sheets - which I'm looking forward to crawling into soon. :)

Thanked God for everything today (I think so, anyway) and recognized that there is so much of Him that I just do not see. I wonder if He gets frustrated with us. I wonder if He sometimes looks at us and shakes His head and thinks, "Where do my kids GET these IDEAS?!! What are they THINKING?!!"

Yep - If God could go crazy, we'd be enough to drive Him there.

In the morning we're doing paperwork for the re-financing. If you could remember, please pray that it all goes smoothly. I do not believe that God wants me to lose my home. I do believe I need His help in some pretty big ways.

Tomorrow night I might even have time to do something in my kitchen... That would be nice. I'm not working the second job because the restaurant is undergoing some renovations. Smaller paycheck for me, which is bad; But a bit of a break and a chance to catch up, which is good.

I was telling my boy today, we just exchange one set of problems for another. We just gotta keep trying to solve them, and choose, when we can, the set of problems we want to have.

I keep getting the sense that, in spite of how bad it all seems, that something's going to happen... something's going to change for the better - but I don't know what or how. Perhaps it's just wishful thinking. .... still... there's this strange feeling of positive anticipation and I don't know where it's coming from....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just keep trusting...