Friday, February 22, 2008


Got out of the night job late again - and the only reason I got out was because I left. I'm tired yet my body is still in work mode. I'll do some breathing exercises and focusing exercises in a little while.

So, I'm just going to jot down what the day was like. I haven't had a minute to really think about much.

At some point I want to write about the concept of "simply accepting"; also what I mentioned before about sowing and reaping. Also thinking about this whole concept of "The Law of Attraction" and why I think it's dangerous. That's a big one, though and I don't know if I'll get to it.

I had court this morning - I didn't have to prepare because I didn't have to speak or anything, but I was still supposed to be there (for reasons that are irrelevant to this post). I left nice and early, figuring I'd leave lots of room to get stuck in traffic (which is always the way with rush hour). I even thought I might get there early enough to visit with the courthouse chaplain before court started.

Nope. Accidents, a car fire (no, not my car- Hey "P" - Do you remember the time I set myself on fire when I was driving? hahaha!), and people slowing down to look at what was going on with the traffic coming the opposite way made the drive impossible. Over two hours when it should have taken 40 minutes. Over two hours and I still wasn't even close to the courthouse. I had missed it even before I could get there.

Was ticked off at the situation and upset with myself because it was important to me that I get there and I didn't make it. I hate failure.

Went home to get changed and got a call from someone I'd been talking to about the business - He knows a gazillion people and I want him to understand what we do. I also think I can learn from him.

He wanted to stop by my house for coffee. I said yes.

Put the kettle on to prepare for my new way of making coffee.

Did the "dash-and-stash" to hide the mess somewhat. (gotta remember not to turn on the oven before I empty it - ha!)

Had a nice visit. Talked about a lot of stuff. He told me about some situations where he'd met people half way even when he was certain he was right. I thought that was good. Too often I go all the way even when others are wrong and I'm right - and then they expect it again and again - and then I end up getting mad and finally push them back and they don't understand what happened and I end up as the bad guy. I like the meeting them half-way even if they're wrong but not necessarily giving away the farm approach. I'll have to practice that one.

Worked at the day job.

Got an email from a friend who referred me to her employer re our services. Should I hope? I'm certain I could help them - will have to send them some info and then wait and see.

Called my sister - her birthday today - nice conversation.

Looked in my fridge - just to look in it 'cause it's full.

Looked at the hydro bill. I can't pay it. So frustrated and worried.

Threw the hydro bill on the table and went and looked in the fridge again. Yep. There's really food in there.

Went to the night job. Manager tried to pull the same crap again with the staying ridiculously late. I knew that was going to happen. I left anyway - (her boss and the boss above that boss told me ahead of time that we should all just leave) - but the other employees felt bad, so they stayed and waited for her. Then I felt bad. I keep reminding myself that all of these people are making choices and those choices are not my fault. Still feel bad, though.

Prayed for them all. Prayed for my friends (including you who are reading). Prayed for my boy and my animals. I love them all. I prayed for me a little, too.

By the way - what's-his-name did email me like I predicted. Just one sentence -"You'll never hear from me again". That's his way of letting me know he's erasing me. That's the result I was aiming for, but it still wasn't easy to take.

"Don't throw your pearls to swine" - yeah, that could apply here.

I feel like a mouse in a maze.

Look at how petty my life has become.


Unknown said...

Petty??!!! Wow, I didn't see that last line coming. I don't see "petty" at all!

I see thoughtfulness ... frustration over traffic (which is always understandable) ... connecting with someone who might be a good connection ... thankfulness for food ... not letting a petty manager run your life ... and labelling "what's his name" as swine. Frankly, you could call him a lot worse.


You're not petty!

(BTW, I was sitting on the side of the service road near that car fire yesterday, watching the traffic go by. If I'd known you were there, I would have waved!!)

Anonymous said...


When I was writing the post I wasn't thinking about what anyone might say about it. I guess no one is going to say, "Oh, yeah, your life is terribly petty and useless" ha!

Thanks for the validation, especially about what's-his-name. I feel like I'm coming out of a dark place that was disguised as a safe place... like I'm emerging out of some alternate universe or something. It's the strangest feeling...

You were stuck in traffic too, huh.

I think I want to make some CD's to leave in the car for just such occasions.

Unknown said...

I wasn't actually stuck in traffic.

I had an 8 AM appointment that was very short, and then a 9 AM appointment that was right around the corner.

I was killing time in a parking lot, reading and watching the traffic NOT go by.

"Emerging" is cool!

Anonymous said...

8am appointments are good - if they're breakfast appointments :)

Emerging - yeah, you're right. That is kinda cool, isn't it. Funny you point that out because part of the decision making process was not so much about what I was walking away from, but rather what I was going to pursue. Life, God, meaning, truth, and coherency between who I am and what my circumstances are... Hey - you just reminded me of a lesson I learned long ago... hmmm...

now you've got me thinking again.

Admin said...

Petty?? Definitely not!

Sometimes, even frustrating traffic can be God's way of slowing us down. (Wish I could remember that tidbit when it's me in the traffic.)

Letting go...walking away...getting away...moving on... You're on your way!